Are You Secure? If this post feels like a broken record that’s because it is. The number of posts and articles written about strong passwords
Are You Secure? If this post feels like a broken record that’s because it is. The number of posts and articles written about strong passwords
We’ve all seen it. You get an email from someone you just met at a conference or business and they send you an email. It’s
CREATE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Find people and groups that have similar goals and au- diences this can be an organization who serves a simi-lar audience or
ESTABLISH YOUR DIGITAL PRESENCE This can be a website, but doesn’t have to be. Your digital presence could be through social media or both. Website
Marketing is not simply about sales generation — it’s about telling your story. Remember, you are http://145marketing.com/wp-content/uploads/woman-s-hand-holds-a-password-on-paper-that-cover-2022-02-04-04-40-43-utc-scaled-1.jpgeting yourself as much or more than your work.
Many people think that personal branding is just for celebrities, real estate agents and high profile business executives. And while all of those need a